Sunday, 16 February 2020

Unity Tutorial 02

Unity Tutorial 02 

Today I was working on a project car 3d platform game. I had to download the assets and I had to some how make the car move forward toward the crates but I also had to add a script to control the speed while maintaining the realistic motion of having the crate fly away once the Vehicle had made contact with the crate. I would also like to add that I was able to slightly understand what they mean by cleaning up a code so that It can be more appealing to the eyes and having a bit of structure to it. 

This is a image of the game in Progress.

This is an image of code that we had to make in order to make the game work.
I have learned a lot today from watching the video because I was able to go and refresh my memory of all the different handle shortcuts and I have also learned a new few tricks that I didn't know or may have missed out on. I found that it is very hard to make a game and that it would be very much a beneficial idea to have teams and roles when it comes to making big multiplayer games across the world. 

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