Unity Tutorial 03
In this tutorial I was taught how to make a fully animated moving clock. I thought that it would very simple to make and a part of me still thinks that is very simple to make, but I was very surprised. when I open up the tutorial because the whole information was in text and it really threw me off because I am a visual learner and I knew I am very good at following instructions but I like to see what I am doing and follow along so I already knew that this was going to be a big challenge for me with so much information cramped up in 1 go.
As I was building the structure of how the clock was going to look it seemed pretty simple because I had no problem with that at the time but then as I started to go deeper and get the C# scripting it was getting pretty complicated because I was unable to understand what purpose each code had to do and it made me nervous that I would not be able to finish this tutorial. I took a little break to calm down because I felt like I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of information that I had to process and when I came back I was able to find the issues with the clear mind.
I really enjoyed this task because I was able to push myself beyond my comfort zone and look through the text and back track to figure out where I went wrong which I think helped me improve on my problem solving skills.
Progress in the Clock Development
Hi David, great to see that you enjoyed this task of building the clock in Unity. Its is a challenge but you seem to tackle it very good. Well done!